Pleae Note, we are currently only running this course as part of our two-year study project. This is an excellent opportunity to not only gain this Level 5 Diploma in Integrative Counselling, but also a Level 4 Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy (Two-Years Part Time) interested? Please click the link below.

Adherence to the Strictest of Professional Standards
As a training provider, The UK Academy of Integrative Therapy has a responsibility to produce competent and effective therapists; therefore, the course has been designed in accordance with regulatory guidelines for training set out by The National Council of Integrative Psychotherapists (NCIP). To meet growing Government interest in the minimum training criteria for practitioner level courses in psychotherapy, the following guidelines have been devised:-
- Two-years part time, classroom based, study:
- Reading assignments
- Case studies
- Preparation of reports / theses;
- Opportunities for group interaction;
- 100 hours contact/client hours via a supervised placement, In the ratio of 1 hour of supervision per eight client hours.

The Diploma in Integrative Counselling is accredited by The National Council of Integrative Psychotherapists

It is not possible to make a generally accepted distinction between counselling and psychotherapy. There are well founded traditions which use the terms interchangeably and others which distinguish between them. If there are differences, then they relate more to the individual psychotherapist’s or counsellor’s training and interests and to the setting in which they work, rather than to any intrinsic difference in the two activities. Psychotherapists employ a range of techniques based on experiential relationship building, dialogue, communication and behaviour change that are designed to improve the mental health of a client or patient, or to improve couple, or group relationships (such as in a family).Integrative Counselling Diploma Course
In addition to an intensive programme of skills development, the Diploma course relays a thorough understanding of the theoretical frameworks and concepts underpinning different psychotherapeutic approaches. The ethos of the course is integrative, focusing on the following core models:-
- Psychodynamic Counselling
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
- Narrative Therapy
- Gestalt therapy
- Transactional Analysis
- Phenomenological and humanistic Counselling
- Couples’ and Family Counselling

Course Philosophy and Design Philosophy
The course contains a careful balance of theory and process, within a broad, yet clearly defined, framework – providing:-
- Structured experiences and regular opportunities for observation, practice, feedback (from staff and fellow students), discussion and review.
- Opportunities to practice the blend of skills appropriate to the model(s) of psychotherapy being learned — these skills being identified and developed so that students can describe, analyse and utilise them.
- A progressive monitoring and assessment of skills development. Teaching and Learning The course provides sufficient psychotherapy theory, drawing upon relevant social science disciplines, to enable students to make explicit:
- Change and how it takes place;
- Models of the person and concepts of the self;
- Systems in which we live and the ways in which social, cultural, ethnic, philosophical, ethical and political issues affect these systems;
- Self-understanding and personal development as the course proceeds.

Code of Ethics
The United Kingdom Academy of Integrative Therapy course team adheres strictly to the Code of Ethics set out by both the National Council of integrative Psychotherapists (NCIP) and the British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists (BACP). The course emphasizes and underpins the professional practice and management guidelines set out by the NCIP and BACP, adopting an in-depth exploration into moral, ethical, and legal issues****
Sample of Core Units
Counselling Skills and Theory Update
The Structure of Counselling Theoretical Approaches in Counselling Paraphrasing, Summarizing, Reflecting, Guided Discovery through open ended questioning, challengingProfessional and Organisational Issues Update
- Empathy
- Defining and Maintaining Boundaries
- Adherence to The Code of Ethics and Practice
- Moral, Ethical, and legal Issues
- The Counselling Relationship
- Confidentiality
- Transference and The Counselling relationship
- Ending Counselling Other Clues Referral Clients in Crisis
- Supervision
Psychodynamic Counselling
- Key Concepts
- Object Relations Theory
- Defence Mechanisms
- Transference and Countertransference
- Psychosexual Stages of Development
- Freud’s Structural Theory
- Determinism Vs Free Will
Gestalt Therapy and Psychodrama
- Introduction to Expressionistic Therapy
- Phenomenology
- Gestalt Experiments
- Figure and Ground
- J.L. Moreno -Psychodrama
Transactional Analysis
- Introduction
- Ego States
- Life Scripts
- Script messages: commands and attributions
- Summary
Phenomenological and Humanistic Approaches
Introduction The Meaning of Phenomenology in Relation to Clients Rogers and the Person-Centred approach Maslow and Humanism The Existential Approach SummaryAttachment Theory and The Strange Situation
Introducing the Work of John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth
The Group Context
- Introduction
- How Groups Evolve
- Psychotherapy and Counselling Groups
- Setting up a Group
- Stages of Group Life
- What People Contribute to Groups
- Theoretical Approaches to Group Work
- Summary

Couples’ Counselling
- Unconscious Dynamics of Relationships
- Emotionally Focused Therapy
- Gottman Sound House Theory
Family Counselling
- Unconscious Dynamics of Relationships
- Transactional Analysis
- Emotionally Focused Therapy
- Family Sculpting – Theory and Case Studies
- Systems Theory

NLP Master Techniques
- Change Work Skills
- First order Change (Contextualized)
- Second Order Change (Across contexts)
- Design individualized Interventions (Generative and Remedial)
- Advanced Strategies: detection, elicitation, utilization and installation
- Quantum Linguistics / Advanced Language patterns
Personal Development
Please note that students will be expected to keep a journal of personal development throughout the duration of the course; this will be utilized to construct an essay demonstrating how the course contents has impacted on the student’s self awareness and insightAdmission Criteria
- Certificate in Counselling Skills (Level 3) or equivalent intermediate qualification. and / or
- Personal interview with Academy Founder
Continual Assessment
On-going assessment will be made via submission of written and verbal assignments; these consist of six essays (upper word limit 2500), 3 case Studies, an audio recording (assessing counselling skills), and a classroom presentation. In addition, students will be expected to keep a journal of personal development throughout the course.Course Materials
All course materials are based on our extensive website. These includes 100s of hand-outs, videos (including an archive of all previous classroom sessions), audio files.Course Duration: 2 years part-time study
- Classroom based
Supervised Placement
Students are required to secure a placement to practice their skills and must adhere to the NCIP guidelines of 1.5 hours of supervision every month. We will provide leads for your placement. We have established connections with a number of placement providers. Note: 5 hours of supervision are included in the course cost.Reading List
Counselling Skills and Theory (second edition) – Margaret Hough ISBN: 978-0-340-92701-4 Psychodynamic Counselling in Action Jacobs, M. 1988 , Sage Publications. ISBN 13: 9781412902151 Transactional Analysis Counselling in Action, Stewart, I. 2000, Sage publications Cognitive Behavioural therapy for Dummies, Wilson and Branch, ISBN 13: 78-0-470-01838-5Outcomes
By the end of the course candidates should be proficient in the use of the following range of psychotherapeutic counselling skills:-
- Initiating a counselling interaction (contracting, confidentiality with limitations, time boundaries, organisational requirements)
- Using active listening skills learned to function competently in the counselling interaction.
- Concluding each individual session and ending a series of sessions.
- Present an adequate understanding of the counselling process, including client assessment and intervention planning.
- Show that they understand what is meant by ethical practice and how it relates to their own work.
- Demonstrate a commitment to anti-oppressive practices and non-discriminatory use of counselling skills.
- Articulate their own philosophical approach to counselling to conceptualise case material and the counselling process and to show a deep understanding of an integrative model of counselling.
- Reflect constructively on themselves, their own life experiences, and their interactions with others and evidence their own personal and professional growth processes.
Courses are currently held at the following locations: Millenium Centre, West Derby, Liverpool. Community Resource Centre Kinmel Bay, Rhyl LL18 5BB
Course Fees
£2950 (£575 deposit plus 22 x £100 monthly payments) Tutors Paul Henderson: BSc. (Psychology), MNICP (Snr. Accred), FACCPH – NLP Master Practitioner / Trainer, Psychodynamic Counsellor/Psychotherapist, Life coach, Author. Nick Buchanan: BA. Cert Ed, Dip (ClnHyp), MNICP – NLP Master Practitioner / Trainer, Author.***
*** Prospectus and Student Handbook Download ***
Mobile: 07512 562138

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