Alcoholic to Alchemist (CPD)

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Paul Henderson BSc., FACCPH, Author, Founder of UKAIT

Welcome to this CPD course. My name is Paul Henderson and should you need any help please do not hesitate to contact me on When you have completed the course, please inform me via this email address and state clearly the name you would like on your Certifcate. I will then email your certificate to you.

Read the information below then use the menu at the side or bottom of the page to navigate through the rest of the course. Please note: you may have to use the ‘expand all‘ button below to see all the topics. The course is worth 50 CPD hours. You have 180 days to complete the course.

IS a ground breaking on-line personal mentoring system designed to radically transform the thinking of people experiencing a destructive alcohol habit. Paul Henderson, takes you on a guided journey through the Philosophy for Optimal Living, in which you will transform your mental and emotional debris into inspiration, creativity, and wisdom. A life beyond your wildest dreams awaits you, Alcoholic to Alchemist will help you to attain it.


This course is based on the book Alcoholic to Alchemist by Paul Henderson. Here’s part of Paul’s Story.

You can download the complete book Alcoholic to Alchemist (PDF) in the introductory module next     

Paul Henderson – Author, Speaker, Therapist and Founder of Alcoholic to Alchemist

Paul Henderson once drank two bottles of spirits a day, plus anything else he could lay his hands on. As his habit progressed, this included surgical spirits, methylated spirits, and after shave.

Paul-Alcoholic 01

Homeless, penniless, and desperate, he spent his nights on a rat-infested railway embankment. The extent of his deterioration was shocking: emaciated body, yellow complexion, eyes sunken, jittery and unkempt. At twenty five years of age, the former fun-loving entertainer resembled an old man – bereft of meaning and emotionally bankrupt.

His constant battle with alcohol and the fear, futility, guilt, and paranoia it evoked, finally became too much. Paul took a lethal cocktail of painkillers and alcohol, only to have his life saved by the swift response and expertise of hospital staff. Death seemed imminent: almost welcoming. The destructive force that possessed him was relentless, intent on propelling him towards a liquid last supper.

Paul Henderson (Founder)
Paul Henderson (Founder)

Today, Paul is an inspirational speaker and author who embraces the infinite possibilities that life has to offer.  At sixty years of age he is in the pinnacle of health. On reaching rock bottom, a powerful force emerged from the depths of his psyche and led him on a journey of radical transformation: this force he refers to as the archetypal alchemist. Alchemy is the art of transforming one’s mental and emotional debris into the invaluable treasures of insight, inspiration, motivation, direction, prosperity and abundance: Alchemy promotes life.

As a result of implementing this programme, Paul experienced a radical shift in thinking: a profound awakening. Subsequently, he pledged to develop and document his powerful antidote to alcoholism. Thirty years of dedication and continuing development on a personal and transpersonal level has culminated in this much needed resource.

This course is not designed solely to liberate you from the clutches of alcoholism, although it will certainly do that if you adhere to the suggested principles, it is designed to enable you to reach your true potential and transform your life beyond recognition.

Alcoholism is a mind-set; a destructive way of thinking, the answer to which is a profound shift in consciousness. The Alcoholic to Alchemist programme combines ancient wisdom, thought-provoking philosophy, and practical psychology in a way that educates, inspires, encourages, enlightens, empowers and evokes an incredible shift in thinking. If you are struggling with alcohol and seek answers, then come and join the ever-growing number of people who have transformed their lives the Alcoholic to Alchemist way.

About The Course

We believe this course to be the most comprehensive of its kind in the country. Whether you are suffering from alcoholism, a friend or family of someone suffering, or a therapist wanting to further your knowledge, this course is for you.  

The course is presented by means of reading materials, videos and audio files.  A comprehensive list of Modules and Topics can be seen below. Use the Expand All option to see the complete list.

Course Content

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