I found that, for me, this course, without doubt, is the best training I have experienced.
Paul provided a good mixture of theory, practical skills development and one to one support.
This course was at times challenging, but a lot of fun; it has been the most life changing, thought provoking, training experience that I have had the privilege to take part in.
I feel that it has, and will continue to, enhance and improve my life as I incorporate the skills into my professional and personal life”.
Ann Wynne (Liverpool)
If you wish for the knowledge, experience, and skills to deal with disorders, phobias and inhibiting patterns of behaviour, then this course is for you. Paul encourages and engenders a very supportive and enlightening experience through the many psychological and philosophical subjects he teaches.
Paul is thoroughly versed in both the theoretical and practical aspects of hypnotherapy and teaches with humour, joy, conviction and clarity
Lyndsey Kevan (Liverpool)
I have recently graduated from the Diploma in Integrative Counselling: what an insightful journey! I really feel I know myself thoroughly now. I learned about core beliefs, relationship dynamics, cognitive distortions and much, much more. I am somewhat of an eternal student; always attending courses. But this is by far the best course I have ever attended!
David Ryan (North Wales)
The Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy has provided me with an opportunity to refresh my previous knowledge, skills and training in psychology, hypnotherapy, and NLP. The course has not only offered an excellent level of professional training but given its pragmatic approach, a path to also enhancing personal development. Many topics have been covered on the course, which highlights the depth and breadth of training.
Sanjay Pande (psychologist)
Paul took us to a world of care and access techniques, of imagination and responsibility, of empowering and release, and allowed us as individuals to use our personalities intuitively whilst acknowledging the importance of procedures and respect for the workings of the unconscious mind. He initiated awareness which grew extensively. He facilitated our understanding of the unconscious mind and the debilitating effects of repressed material and trauma that often translates into behaviours which do not always serve us well. Through guided discovery, he taught us how to accept ourselves and showed us that we all have the necessary resources to effect change. He taught us how to develop empathy and understanding and to use these attributes in empowering our clients.
I could only dream of achieving the level of excellence Paul has attained, but as a role model to follow in the footsteps of, I feel most privileged.
Lyndon Nicholls (Wales)

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